Your heart sank when someone called you “dry.”
In fact, you didn’t quite understand what they meant, and now you’re left wondering: What is a dry personality?
First and foremost, it’s not a terrible thing.
Dry personality people aren’t defective.
Many are lovely, interesting people who happen to rely on a social shield.
To help folks better understand the behavioral type, we’re looking at what it means to be “dry” and how to moisten your traits if you’re a tad thirsty.
What Does acBeing Dry Person Mean?
Have you been called a “dry person?”
When it happens, offense may rush into your bloodstream; but try not to take it personally. After all, there are many worse things than walking on the staid side of the street.
But what do people mean when they say it? The term is usually lobbed at individuals who:
- Don’t emote much
- Are a bit pedantic
- Appreciate fastidiousness
- Are dependable and responsible
- Are hyper-cautious (perhaps to a stifling degree)
- Have a, shall we say, tepid sense of humor
Is it usually meant as a compliment? No. But it’s one of those things that’s entirely subjective. One person’s “dry” is another’s “just right.”
Why Do Some People Have Dry Personalities?
How do people develop dry personality traits?
For starters, everyone’s behavior is affected by their genes (nature) and environment (nurture).
Apart from the DNA factor, other things that can sap a personality of its juice include:
- Depression: Struggling through a bout of depression — or dealing with chronic depression — can subdue individuals. Subsequently, their low-energy demeanors may come across as uninterested and dry.
- Past Trauma: People who never empty their emotional baggage are eventually subsumed by past traumas. Their unresolved issues metastasize and fester, often leading to uncontrollable anxiety, culminating in an inability to see life clearly. People like this can develop a dry personality because they are terrified of authenticity.
- Anxiety and Low Self-Esteem: Social anxiety and low self-esteem manifest in several ways. Some people clam up; others blather on and make fools of themselves. And those with little self-esteem may assume they have nothing to add to a conversation and keep quiet. A combination of tendencies can land one in the dry personality category.
- Social Inequities: People aren’t treated equally. For example, doors regularly fling wide open for extremely attractive people, and though it’s tough to admit, society conditions us to treat thinner folks better than larger ones. Unfortunately, humans also have an unwitting tendency to apply double standards to different groups of people. For instance, some people are socially punished for being outgoing or boisterous because others see them as “loud” and “obnoxious.” So, to get by and “fit in,” they’ll adopt an arid personality.
- Still Searching: Some dry people are in search of a passion. Maybe they lost interest in a former hobby and are in-between activities. Or perhaps they just haven’t yet found their thing.
- They’re Done: It’s not uncommon for people to choose the “dry life” — figuratively speaking. Folks with wild pasts may decide to pack away their chaos and become the most boring person on Earth — by choice.
15 Dry Personality Traits You Should Know
How do people with “dry personalities” behave? How do they interact in social situations? As is always the case, a lot depends on the situation.
Caveat aside, we’ve compiled a list of traits common to people with parched personalities.
Sure, “dry” people may have a few sub-par traits — but that’s a universal burden. Perfect people don’t exist.
So if these traits describe you, it doesn’t automatically mean you’re boring and bad. Remember: Dry personalities aren’t awful, just cautious.
1. Emotionally Blank
The number one trait of people with dry personalities is extreme emotional restraint. Win the lottery? A slight smile. Get thrown in jail for life? A slight frown.
Maintaining emotional balance is critical to good mental health, but extinguishing them causes problems because feeling is essential to the human experience.
Moreover, engaging with emotions flavors life with insight and wisdom.
2. Highly Judgmental
Many people with dry personalities lean into their judgmental side. Typically born of anxiety, it’s not an endearing quality.
People who develop this habit were usually raised in super strict environments where the family paid much attention to “keeping up appearances.”
3. Detail-Oriented
Punctilious people prefer things just so, and dry folks often fall into this category. When someone’s uptight personality is rooted in perfectionism, they can be pathologically detailed.
If their hyper-detail orientation is a personal standard, that’s fine. Problems arise, however, when they’re constantly criticizing others for not meeting their impractical and impossible standards.
4. Not (Visibly) Excitable
People who present dry personalities are difficult to read because they exist in a neutral state.
They don’t show excitement or disappointment, and many have considerable control over their body language. To put it another way, people with dry personalities aren’t too animated.
5. Quiet / Don’t Contribute
Dry personalities usually don’t want to be the center of attention, and they remain firmly on the fringes of conversations. Resultantly, they don’t have a history of lighting up discussions.
Reluctance is usually rooted in one of two reasons. The quiet party has little going on and, therefore, little to say, or they think the conversation isn’t worth entering.
6. Life of Routines
Please don’t read us wrong: Routine isn’t a bad thing — quite the opposite, in fact. According to multiple studies, people with regimens tend to be more productive, successful, and emotionally balanced.
However, an excess of anything — even routine — isn’t great. People who fear changing their daily waltz slightly or occasionally accommodating spontaneity may be in the red zone.
Frequently, arid personalities find themselves on the “concerning” side of the routine scale.
7. Exceptionally Uptight
Being reserved is one thing. Exceptionally uptight is another.
Reserved people can let down their guard at times. Intractably uptight individuals are never uninhibited. Worse than that, they expect the same from everyone else and look down on people who aren’t exactly like them.
Their ideal atmosphere would be living on a droid planet with no weather or potential anomalies.
8. Lacking Good Stories
People who don’t have stories to learn from or share risk developing dry, shallow personalities. After all, if you never do anything — never veer from the paved path — then you may not be all that engaging or inviting.
We’ll add a word of caution here, though.
Don’t assume that everyone who hasn’t traveled the world or had traditionally “exciting” experiences is incapable of being interesting or warm. People’s internal worlds are often deep, complex, and fascinating.
Besides, you never know the whole truth about anyone’s life.
9. Negative Tendencies
People with dry personalities frequently come across as negative. After all, they don’t emote, aren’t excitable, and appear to be stuck in neutral. Furthermore, they rarely offer praise or feedback, even if they think it on the inside.
This can all culminate in a generally negative aura, which people find off-putting.
Humans are vulnerable creatures. When we don’t receive positive feedback, we assume the worst and become overly cautious around people who don’t make us feel good about ourselves.
This can be an unfortunate feedback loop for more reserved people because it frequently lands them in the dry personality queue.
10. Very Few Interests
People with dry personalities can read as one-dimensional because they appear to have few interests.
And sure, in many cases, boring people don’t have passions. Other times, however, people don’t like sharing their hobbies with others.
They may be shy about them, or they’re solitary endeavors. Sometimes, a person’s hobby may be harmless but falls outside Overton’s window, so they keep it under wraps.
If you find yourself 100% devoid of interests or the motivation to find one, you may be suffering from severe depression. If so, help is available. Millions of people turn their lives around with the assistance of mental health professionals.
Depression is common and treatable. So don’t let yourself fester and waste precious years. Reach out for help. There’s no shame in it.
11. Independent / Great Providers
Many people with dry personalities are also independent. In some cases, it’s a matter of necessity. In others, they prefer to live self-sufficient lives.
Since people with arid behavior patterns may not easily form bonds with others, they need to learn to rely on themselves.
However, folks who can break through a dry personality may find an incredible provider underneath the outer shell.
12. One-Track Mind
One-track thinking is common among people with dry personalities. It’s also a state that neurodivergent people may frequently find themselves in.
This type of intense vision can cause people to miss out on experiences and relationships. On the other hand, it may also help them reach the heights of their chosen field.
13. Traditional Values
If you despise change and staunchly believe in “traditional” lifestyles, there’s a good chance your personality is on the dryer side.
We’re not saying that traditional values are wrong; many of our readers enjoy a historically conventional lifestyle.
Instead, we’re simply acknowledging that people who maintain staid and conventional facades are more likely to be labeled “dry” by the greater public.
14. Overly Concerned
Are you one of those people who feels obligated to pound out multi-paragraph treatises about “health” under pictures of heavy-set people?
Or perhaps you regularly give unsolicited advice about “doing better next time” in “mommy” communities when someone is just looking to vent about a mistake.
There’s a difference between standing up for yourself and being a “concern troll.” The former is fine; the latter is obnoxious and may be a sign that you could stand to whet your personality a tad.
15. Trying Too Hard
The “try hard” is a warm personality subset. These people desperately want to be liked, so they go out of their way to appear helpful and courteous — the operative word being “appear.”
Folks who fall into this category of “warm” people are in it for praise. Many may even be vulnerable narcissists. Since their motives are selfish, their alleged charisma and compassion are usually about puddle-deep.
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How Not to Be Dry
You know you’re dry, and you’d rather not be. What are your next steps?
1. Work on Self-Acceptance
Self-acceptance and self-love are like magic potions. Once you truly learn to love and accept yourself as is, life becomes a lot more pleasant.
Moreover, when you foster healthy self-esteem, you’re more engaged in life and less likely to earn the “dry” label.
2. Try Yoga and Mindfulness
Initially, yoga and mindfulness may sound off-putting to some people. They don’t want to bother with any “new age” practices with which yoga and mindfulness have long been associated.
And while we warmly embrace the spiritual community, we also understand that some people want to walk more practical paths, which is also a viable option.
Individuals from both groups should both give yoga and mindfulness a shot.
Peer-reviewed, double-blind studies have undisputedly proven that meditation is an excellent exercise for the brain and offers many other benefits, which you can read about here.
3. Show Interest in Others
Instead of worrying about how you come across, show interest in others. Try not to ask offensive questions, and steer clear of contentious matters.
Some safe, light-but-interesting topics to raise include pets, hobbies, and favorite foods. It’s practically impossible to clash over those things — even if you disagree!
4. Work on Being More Easygoing
You can practice being more easygoing — and get better at it. Granted, it may take some time since changing your personality ranks among the more difficult things to do.
But if you start small and keep at it, you can moderate your reaction to things going “wrong.”
5. Try New Hobbies
What did you enjoy doing as a child? If you’re having trouble plumbing new hobbies as an adult, consider retreading ground. People who were into toy trucks and cars as a kid may jump into automobile restoration.
Folks who enjoyed creating stories or putting on plays for their parents may want to inquire at the local theater.
6. Develop a Sense of Humor
Most of us mistakenly assume that humor is a fixed trait. People are born funny, or they’re not.
But we’re wrong. You can learn humor. There are patterns and ways to make things funny. You can learn to make people laugh like you can learn to play an instrument.
Read up on the topic and put what you learn to work. You won’t land every joke, but you will improve, and before long, you’ll be the person who is making people crack up — not the dry person in the corner.
7. Show Gratitude
Gratitude is a win-win gift. A studied self-assessment usually proves that it almost always feels just as good to give it as it does to get.
If you want to express gratitude without appearing insincere, add details. For example, instead of saying, “Great job!” go with, “I’m so impressed with how you [insert specific compliment].”
8. Use Body Language
Not great at making conversation? Try using body language to communicate. Smile at people you’re speaking with; make eye contact; gesture to show you’re interested.
You don’t have to become a body language expert; just try to show you’re listening and engaged.
Final Thoughts
There you have it: dry personalities in a nutshell.
Remember, it’s not the worst thing in the world to be a bit parched, but it also never hurts to shed an impenetrable exterior and adopt a more welcoming demeanor — especially if you’re looking to expand your social or professional circles.