Thank you for checking out my self-improvement books!
My goal with Live Bold and Bloom is to provide you with practical, proven solutions and strategies for living a happier, healthier, more passionate life. This goal is the foundation for the content of my books as well.
The ideas and information I offer in my books are well-researched, and I have personally used the recommended strategies successfully. It is my sincere hope that you'll find the solutions you are seeking and be inspired to take action for positive, productive change in your life.
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201 Relationship Questions: The Couple's Guide to Building Trust and Emotional Intimacy
Studies confirm the #1 predictor of life happiness is having a close, intimate relationship. Surprisingly, too many couples put their relationship on the back burner, resulting in conflict, hurt, and disengagement. When you don't nurture and care for the relationship, you are bound to pull apart and suffer feelings of resentment and frustration.
What if you and your love partner or spouse could create an intimate, close, romantic bond that protects your relationship from misunderstandings and unnecessary pain — without spending weeks in couple's counseling? Through the power of mutual questioning and active listening, the two of you can enjoy the love of a lifetime that remains fresh, fun, connected, and deeply satisfying.
This book was written for the couple who deeply desires the best relationship possible by working together to create it. I show you how to use incisive questions in all areas of your relationship to proactively respond to one another's needs and desires before conflict and misunderstandings occur.
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Declutter Your Mind: How to Stop Worrying, Relieve Anxiety, and Eliminate Negative Thinking
Do you feel overwhelmed by your thoughts? Do you struggle with anxiety about your daily tasks? Or do you want to stop worrying about life?
The truth is, we all experience the occasional negative thought. But if you always feel overwhelmed, then you need to closely examine how these thoughts are negatively impacting your lifestyle.
The solution is to practice specific mindfulness techniques that create more “space” in your mind to enjoy inner peace and happiness.
With these habits, you'll have the clarity to prioritize what's most important in your life, what no longer serves your goals, and how you want to live on a daily basis. And that's what you'll learn in Declutter Your Mind.
The goal of this book is simple: We will teach you the habits, actions, and mindsets to clean up the mental clutter that's holding you back from living a meaningful life.
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Mindful Relationship Habits: 25 Practices for Couples to Enhance Intimacy, Nurture Closeness, and Grow a Deeper Connection
Feel disconnected from your spouse or partner? Struggle to keep your relationship fresh? Worried that everything will end in heartbreak?
It's easy to fall in love. The challenging part is keeping that spark alive while you and your partner deal with “the real world.”
Your relationship can often seem less urgent than the day-to-day emergencies that you deal with — your job, finances, children, and that to-do list full of chores. They all demand your immediate attention. So how do you find the time to nurture your love and intimacy?
If you want to build a deeper connection with your spouse or partner, then one solution is to build “Mindful Relationship Habits,” the practices we teach in this book.
In a mindful relationship, you are intentional about all your choices and interactions with your partner. You become more proactive in responding to each other's needs and less reactive to the challenges that often arise. You evolve to a higher level of interaction with one another.
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The Mindfulness Journal: Daily Practices, Writing Prompts, and Reflections for Living in the Present Moment
Want to make “mindfulness” a daily habit? Or experience more joy with everyday moments? Tired of life slipping by in a haze of distraction?
The Mindfulness Journal is your daily guidebook for living in the present moment and experiencing the richness of life by applying mindfulness to your work, your relationships, or even the most mundane tasks of your day.
Mindfulness is about being aware and attentive to the present moment. It sounds easy, but it takes some practice to make mindfulness your go-to way of living.
With “The Mindfulness Journal,” you will have simple activities to practice each day, and then you will write about your experiences with mindfulness, which reinforces your efforts.
This journal provides a total of 365 daily writing prompts divided into 52 weekly mindfulness topics. This arrangement gives you seven days to immerse yourself in each topic.
It is designed to awaken you to mindfulness in various natural moments throughout your day, as well as with some activities that may be new for you.
Check out the paperback journal on Amazon
3 Things A Day: A Minimalist Journal for More Focus with Less Stress
Are you spinning in circles, never accomplishing all you set out to do? Do you often multi-task without giving full attention to the task at hand?
When you try to accomplish too much on any given day or week, you set yourself up for failure and unhealthy stress. Studies confirm that working longer hours and cramming dozens of items on your project list does not make you more productive.
That’s why it’s so important to apply a minimalist mindset when it comes to getting stuff done: less is more. Throw away the long “to-do” list and learn to focus your time and attention on your most important tasks.
You will reduce stress, improve focus, and become more engaged in each task. This minimalist approach will create a seismic shift in the quality of your work, your energy levels, and your attitude.
With this journal, you'll focus on just 3 tasks a day — you're most important for the day. You might wonder “Why just three things a day? Why not five or seven?” The answer is: Because setting three daily goals is measurable, manageable, and realistic.
This beautifully-designed journal includes:
- Information on science-backed “3 things a day” concept.
- Instructions on how to best use the journal for your success.
- A failproof accountability plan to ensure you follow through daily.
- A weekly reward system to celebrate your achievements.
- Inspiring quotes to motivate you.
- Space to write your 3 daily goals with “got it done” checkboxes.
By the end of 52 weeks, you will have completed 1092 action items!
Check out the Paperback on Amazon!
The 90-Day Gratitude Journal: A Mindful Practice for Lifetime of Happiness
Do you often feel surrounded by negativity? Every day, we are bombarded with bad news, political discord, and catastrophic world events. The antidote to our unhappiness isn't the newest thing, the latest diet fad, or the next achievement. The antidote is gratitude for what you have right now and for the people in your life.
And the simplest way to practice gratitude is to turn it into a daily habit—specifically by journaling about the blessings in your life.
With this journal, you'll answer three questions, which won't take more than ten minutes of your time. Two of the prompts will be the same every day, but the third will be a “wild card” question that challenges you to think about a specific aspect of your life.
The 90-Day Gratitude Journal can become your personal tool for injecting a dose of positivity into your day. You can use it to focus your attention on what is going right in your life instead of focusing on everything that's going wrong. You can use it to pause for a few minutes every day and truly appreciate all that you have.
Check out the Paperback on Amazon!
Self-Care for Introverts: 17 Soothing Rituals for Peace in a Hectic World
Do you crave alone time and feel physically and emotionally drained? Do you ruminate so much your brain aches and find that you just want to escape?
If you (1) have no tolerance for small talk and socializing, (2) feel agitated, foggy, and overwhelmed, and (3) want to reenergize so you can be centered and sociable again, this book is for you — written by an introvert just like you.
Self-Care for Introverts gives you the tools to put yourself first so you can thrive and use your innate gifts to your advantage.
Self-Care for Introverts is an invaluable handbook with ideas for:
- Optimizing your unique health needs that are different from extrovert needs.
- Creating your ideal introvert diet for your values and health.
- Pampering your body and psyche to stay balanced and feel renewed.
- Creating soothing spaces at home for recharging.
- Celebrating your creative longings and desire for meaning.
- Managing guilt, rumination, and mental clutter.
- Protecting your time and energy so you aren't sapped and overwhelmed.
This book is full of exercises that will have an immediate, positive impact on your mindset and well-being.
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Check out the Paperback on Amazon!
201 Relationship Questions Journal: A Diary For Two To Build Trust And Emotional Intimacy
Do you and your love partner have difficulty communicating without conflict?
Do you feel your relationship needs a boost to reignite your closeness, trust, and intimacy?
Mutual questioning is a powerful way to draw out deeper emotions and needs and address potential areas of conflict before they erupt.
The 201 Relationship Question Journal includes:
- 201 Questions divided into 20 areas of relationship needs.
- Instructions on how to use the Journal for the best results.
- Additional Reflection Questions at the end of the Journal.
- Plenty of space for both partners to write their answers.
- Beautiful Relationship Quotes from thought leaders and experts.
The 201 Relationship Question Journal offers incisive, fun, and profound prompts to inspire mutual understanding and action steps for positive change in your relationship.
Check out the Paperback on Amazon!
The Life Passion Journal: 102 Powerful Prompts to Crush Self-Doubt and Unlock a Remarkable Life
Have you been searching for that something that makes you come alive with joy, enthusiasm, and purpose?
Are you trying to discover what you are meant to do with your life, but you just can't seem to figure it out?
The Life Passion Journal offers powerful and incisive questions and prompts to reveal exactly what you want for your life and what's holding you back from getting it.
The Life Passion Journal includes:
- 102 prompts and questions in five sections to reveal your life passion.
- Guidelines and ideas on how to make the most of your journaling efforts.
- Beautiful life passion quotes from thought leaders and sages to inspire your journey.
- Assessments, inventories, and lists to support your self-discovery.
- Plenty of space for writing your answers and insights.
- Next step instructions to make the best use of your insights and journaling efforts.
Every question is designed to help you peel back layers to further self-discovery and clarity so you feel confident about what your passion is and how to live it no matter your circumstances and even if you can't quit your job right now.
The insights you gain from journaling will help you get unstuck, feel excited about your future, and take action to design a passionate, new life!
Check out the Paperback on Amazon!
10-Minute Mindfulness: 71 Habits for Living in the Present Moment
Hate the negativity that often surrounds you? Feel stressed or anxious? Overwhelmed by our hectic, fast-paced modern society?
These issues are often the direct result of a vicious cycle known as “unconscious living.”
You can be unconscious about your lifestyle choices, habits, and thoughts. You can be unconscious about your true values, life priorities, and deeper longings.
And you're unconscious about living in the present moment because you're preoccupied by past regrets and worries for the future.
The solution is to incorporate mindfulness through your entire day — so you can enjoy inner peace and happiness. And the simplest way to do this is to build a series of mindfulness habits.
In 10-Minute Mindfulness, we show how to anchor yourself in the present moment, even if it's for just a few minutes at a time. This book is for anyone who recognizes the need to improve their focus, productivity, happiness, and peace of mind.
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Effortless Journaling: How to Start a Journal, Make It a Habit, and Find Endless Writing Topics
If you'd like to permanently capture the important moments of your life and create a peaceful routine of quiet self-reflection, then writing in a journal is the perfect habit for you.
There's a myriad of science-backed benefits to journaling, including relieving stress and anxiety, improving your sleep, and coping better with difficult or traumatic events in your life.
If you'd like to develop the journaling habit, but you've hit roadblocks like being too busy, not being able to stick to the habit, or not knowing what to write about, then Effortless Journaling is your solution.
In this book, we cover:
- 15 benefits of journaling for your mental, physical, and emotional health
- How journaling is a mindfulness practice
- 3 simple tools to get started with journaling
- 9 popular journaling strategies
- 8 rules for consistent, daily journaling
- Plus . . . over 100 journaling ideas to inspire you.
Start your journaling practice today, and make it a habit for a lifetime!
Check out the eBook on Amazon!
Check out the paperback on Amazon!
Finely Tuned: How to Thrive as a Highly Sensitive Person or Empath
Do you feel things more intensely than most people? Do you pick up on the mood of a room as soon as you walk in? Are you sometimes so overstimulated that you need to be alone? If so, you may be a highly sensitive person.
In this book, I share what it means to be highly sensitive or empathic, and how hypersensitivity is a perfectly normal trait. I offer strategies for leveraging your sensitive gifts and managing your life to help you minimize the difficulties of your strong sensitive or empathic nature.
Whether you are highly sensitive yourself, or you have someone in your life who is, this book will help you understand and appreciate this unique trait and improve your relationships — and all other areas of life.
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Write It Out, Don't Fight It Out: How to Use Letters To Heal Your Relationship When Talking Gets Tough
Does communicating with your partner sometimes feel impossible? Do you wish you could just stop arguing and talk without defensiveness and hurt feelings? Are there things you want to say or ask but feel too uncomfortable or embarrassed?
Sometimes communicating verbally can make a relationship issue worse rather than better, because things get too emotional or awkward.
There are hurt or angry feelings. Someone clams up or walks away. Both of you feel misunderstood or unheard.
When talking breaks down or gets testy, writing letters to each other is a highly effective way to communicate in your love relationship or marriage. Why letter writing?
Letter writing allows you to slow down, consider your words, and articulate them in the spirit of love and kindness, even with the most difficult and painful situations.
Writing your feelings and needs in a thoughtful way sets the tone for healthier dialogue, as you can bypass hurtful words and angry reactions.
Letter writing is a transformational process that helps build intimacy, resolve conflict, and foster self-awareness and compassion.
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Signs of Emotional Abuse: How to Recognize the Patterns of Narcissism, Manipulation, and Control in Your Love Relationship
Do you know the signs of emotional abuse in a relationship? Do you wonder if your partner's behavior is acceptable or normal?
You may not have a black eye. You haven't been pushed or slapped. You haven't had to call the police. But something feels very, very wrong in your intimate relationship. You just can't put your finger on it.
Victims of emotional abuse are often confused about their partner's behaviors. “Is this really abuse?” “Could it be my fault?” “Maybe it will change.”
Your partner has a way of reinforcing your self-doubt, turning the tables on you to make you feel crazy, selfish, and unlovable.
Signs of Emotional Abuse will help you identify the covert tactics used by emotional abusers to help you quickly recognize them in your daily life.
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Emotional Abuse Breakthrough Scripts: 107 Empowering Responses and Boundaries To Use With Your Abuser
Emotional abuse keeps you tongue-tied and anxious, unable to speak up for fear of rocking the boat.
If you (1) have trouble setting boundaries with your emotional abuser and (2) never know what to say or how to say it in a heated moment without backing down, breaking down, or getting angry yourself, then Emotional Abuse Breakthrough Scripts is your key to learning a new way to respond so you can rebuild your dignity, inner strength, and self-esteem.
When your abuser shuts you down with control, anger, manipulation, and subtle threats, it's hard to know how to respond or what to say without making things worse.
Emotional Abuse Breakthrough Scripts is your handbook for reclaiming your strength, finding your words, and knowing with clarity how to respond to your abuser.
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Emotional Abuse Breakthrough: How to Speak Up, Set Boundaries, and Break the Cycle of Manipulation and Control with Your Abusive Partner
Is your self-worth being stripped away by an abusive partner who treats you like a household appliance? Are you being bullied and manipulated and made to feel it’s your fault?
The truth is, nothing is more damaging than living with an emotional abuser whose controlling and crazy-making behaviors are causing you to feel afraid, depressed and alone.
Physical abuse leaves visible scars, but emotional abuse wounds you to the core. You know you're in pain, and you feel isolated, unloved, and even frightened.
Emotional Abuse Breakthrough gives you easy-to-follow steps on how to rebuild your self-esteem so you can stand up for yourself and set clear and firm boundaries with your abuser. You will learn to identify and explain the covert tactics used by emotional abusers to help you quickly recognize when it’s happening.
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Sticky Habits: How to Achieve Your Goals without Quitting and Create Unbreakable Habits Starting with Five Minutes a Day
Do you struggle to follow through on your habits and goals? Do you often give up after a few days or weeks? Do you worry you lack the self-discipline and motivation to stick with a new habit?
Whether you want to (1) start a fitness routine (2) master a new skill or (3) accomplish any goal you set your mind to, Sticky Habits will get you there.
Forget making resolutions and commitments you can’t keep. When you learn the simple, proven Sticky Habits method, you’ll have the power to build unbreakable habits for life, starting with just 5 minutes a day. I want this book to arm you with the exact actions to take to ensure you don't have “habit failure regret.”
Sticky Habits can improve your entire life, whether you want to add just one new habit to your daily routine or develop a series of positive habits.
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10-Minute Declutter: The Stress-Free Habit for Simplifying Your Home
You can have a simpler, calmer life by living a home that’s free from clutter. Imagine your closets, cabinets, and possessions being completely organized. Wouldn’t that feel great?
You can make this happen with a short, daily decluttering habit. Even if you’re a busy professional or a parent who has little time for a massive organizing project, you can use the 10-minute declutter habit to tackle your clutter bit by bit.
With “10-Minute Declutter” you will learn the power of less and why streamlining and organizing your possessions will make you happier and more centered.
10-Minute Digital Declutter: The Simple Habit To Eliminate Technology Overload
Tired of wasting hours on social media sites like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram or Twitter? Don't like how your digital devices now take up too much of your time?
Want to finally get organized with your online activities? Or do you simply want to live a more simplified life?
This book is written for the person who is starting to recognize the danger of digital noise, but doesn't know how to live in this modern world without feeling overwhelmed. It's also for those who need a system for the information they do want. Not only will you get back more time, you'll also discover core strategies for maximizing the time you spend in the digital world.
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Peace of Mindfulness: Everyday Rituals to Conquer Anxiety and Claim Unlimited Inner Peace
The demands of everyday life, your hectic schedule, those constant feelings of overwhelm and anxiety make you feel out-of-control and exhausted. How can you jump off the hamster wheel to feel peaceful and free from anxiety? When you learn mindfulness techniques, you have the power to tap into a wellspring of tranquility and lasting contentment you’ve never known before.
The practice of mindfulness in daily life holds the promise not only for peace of mind but also to revitalize your self-worth and transform the way you view the world. It awakens you to the beauty of every moment.
Whether you’re coping with stress and anxiety, or you simply want to increase self-awareness and contentment, the skills taught in Peace of Mindfulness meet you exactly where you are — in your home, your work, your simple daily tasks.
It is a handbook for winning back control of your thoughts and emotions so you can release anxiety and enjoy a happier, healthier, more conscious life.
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Self-Discovery Questions: 155 Breakthrough Questions to Accelerate Massive Action
Wouldn’t it be great to have a life coach in your corner at all times to ask you probing questions and help you figure out how to move your life forward in the best direction? What if you had someone who knew exactly what to say to draw out your deepest desires and help you achieve your goals and dreams?
If you know the right questions to ask yourself, you can become your own coach, mentor, and motivator. Self-questioning is a highly useful and powerful technique for creating awareness and self-discovery. By asking the right questions, you open hidden doors in your mind leading to solutions and “aha” moments in your career, your relationships, and your personal growth.
This book is your go-to guide for uncovering exactly what you need to know about yourself too make a massive change for the better in your relationships, your career, your health, your finances, and virtually every aspect of your life.
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Confidence Hacks: 99 Small Actions to Massively Boost Your Confidence
Want to feel more self-assured and motivated in your career? Have you had difficulty speaking up for yourself or saying what you feel? Ready to feel good about who you are, how you look, and your ability to make things happen?
Right now, you have goals and dreams for your life. You have many skills, talents, and plenty of intelligence. But sometimes a lack of confidence holds you back from taking action, being your best self, and achieving the success in your work, relationships, and life that you deserve.
Every single day, you CAN take small actions to rebuild your confidence so that over time, you emerge as a new person — someone who knows they have what it takes and isn’t afraid to go for it. With Confidence Hacks, you’ll review 99 hacks or tips in ten key areas to give you clarity on your confidence roadblocks, and challenge you to take small, manageable actions to renew your motivation, self-assurance, and determination.
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Building Confidence: Get Motivated, Overcome Social Fear, Be Assertive, and Empower Your Life For Success
The first step toward confidence is to determine exactly where you’re missing it and the beliefs and behaviors holding you back. Next, you need to deconstruct old ways of thinking that keep you bound to the status quo and prevent you from taking confident action. Finally, you need to develop new mindsets and skills to practice regularly in order to rebuild your confidence muscle and help you develop into the self-assured, pro-active, confident person you want to be.
Confidence is such an important factor that it’s been proven to increase one's yearly salary by thousands of dollars, improve your relationships, and supercharge your career trajectory. By committing to a confidence buff up, you’re taking control of your destiny and positioning yourself for personal and professional success.
Whether you’re lacking confidence in general, or simply need support in a particular area, the techniques taught in Building Confidence can improve your entire life. Every chapter concludes with specific action steps you can implement and practice right away to facilitate change.
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The 52-Week Life Passion Project: The Path to Uncover Your Life Passion
Want to connect with your dreams for a lifeof passionn and purpose that ignites your enthusiasm? Right now you might be in a job you hate, a career you know is wrong for you, or you simply feel your life is stale and passionless. You long to wake up in the morning, eager to start your day, excited about your work, a project, or a side-gig that lights your fire.
The only problem is you have no idea what your passion might be or how to start looking for it. Or if you do have an inkling about your passion, it seems impossible to fit it into your life right now. The 52-Week Life Passion Project is your personal weekly coaching session, giving you a formula for change so you can comfortably and confidently uncover your passion and find a way to make it real.
Whether you want a total career overhaul or to simply add more excitement to your life with a hobby or side gig, finding your passion will upgrade every aspect of your life. The weekly lessons taught in this book will lead you on the journey from the life you have now to a passionate new life, as you implement change every week.