Beware Of The INTJ Death Stare: 9 Meanings Behind The INTJ Stare

handsome man with beard intj death stare

Intelligent, discerning, logical, and innovative – these are all words that describe the INTJ personality type.

The word “intense” also comes to mind.

INTJ anger can definitely be that.

But the trademark stare on their face when they’re quietly simmering, can be just as intimidating.

So, how do you know if what you’re seeing is an “INTJ death glare” or something more innocuous?

And in the latter case, what can it mean? 

Read on to find out. 

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Are You A Sigma Male? 9 Tests To Help You Know For Sure

sigma male tests

The range of male personality types is daunting – but they can help you know yourself better.

Most people are familiar with the concepts of Alpha and Beta males and their characteristics.

These established and studied traits define a man's personality and many of his behaviors.

However, in recent years, other trait categories have emerged. 

And while they are not backed by hard science, they give us insight into different male personality types – offering clarity on the sometimes unexplainable male. 

While the sigma personality designation is not a proper psychological trait, there is growing anecdotal evidence that the grouping has some validity. 

Several modified personality tests are available online to determine if you are a sigma male. 

These questionnaires usually detect signs of social interaction, self-autonomy, and independence.

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Want to Understand Your Personality? These Are the 13 Best Online Personality Tests

pen with personality test best online personality test

Personality tests are more than just recreational or self-improving; you might even run into them on your next job search. 

The top online personality tests can expose parts of our personality we don't see or reveal dynamic traits we don't appreciate in ourselves. 

The internet allows us to explore the hidden chambers of our character from the privacy of our own homes, but you should use logic and common sense when choosing which personality test to take and which tests to trust. 

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What Is the Difference Between an Introvert and Extrovert: 8 Key Differences You Should Know

difference between introvert and extrovert

Chances are you’ve heard yourself or others described as introvert or extrovert, but what exactly is the difference between introvert and extrovert

Through the Myers-Briggs personality test, many people find their personality type and begin studying what it all means.

The Myers Briggs divides personalities into 16 different types represented by four-letter acronyms. 

The first letter describes where you focus your attention and is either an “I” or an “E,” representing introvert and extrovert, respectively.

Let’s dive in and learn more about these personality types.

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21 Undeniable Signs Of A Needy Woman

upset woman holding phone signs of a needy woman

Those early days of meeting a girl or starting a relationship with a woman are exciting.

After the initial flush of enthusiasm, however, you notice that she seems abnormally clingy.

Her behavior could quickly get to be worrisome and leave you wondering, “What makes a girl clingy?” 

Most of the time, the answer is emotional neediness.

There's no shortage of emotionally needy women in the world.

Many men are emotionally needy too, but they tend to reveal it differently.

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10 Most Common Reasons You Are Antisocial

couple on phones, reasons you are anti-social

Why are you so antisocial?” You’ve heard this question about a million times. It gets old. 

It’s not that you deliberately try to hurt or alienate people.

You just prefer your own company most of the time.

You’re fully capable of being pleasant around people when you have to be.

That’s not to say you’re never unpleasant. Sometimes, maybe, you don’t take into account the feelings of others. But who doesn’t do that sometimes, right? 

Does that mean you’re antisocial or asocial? They’re different. Read on to learn how.

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27 Reasons To Be Thrilled You’re A Type B Personality

man relaxing, type b personality

When you think of Type A and Type B personalities, do you assume that people who are Type A are more successful and often in leadership roles while Type B people tend to stay more in the background?

Because our Type A friends are most often credited with all of the achievements in life (due to their ambition and organizational skills), we think that it’s time to bring to light the reasons why people with Type B personalities are great.

In fact, Type B's are just as likely to succeed in life as their high-strung counterparts — but for different reasons.

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