9 Signs Of A Self-Loathing Personality

woman looking in mirror self-loathing personality

It’s not wrong to acknowledge that there are things you don’t love about yourself.

But when you consistently focus only on those things and act as though they outweigh anything lovable in you, you may have a self-loathing personality.

Unlike those who can weigh the good against the bad in themselves in a healthy way, people with self-loathing personalities have deeply-rooted feelings of inadequacy.

No matter how much loved ones praise you and admire you, and no matter how successful you may be, you feel worthless and filled with self-disgust.

But those who have this extreme self-hatred must accept that they don't know themselves as well as they might think. When your self-perception is skewed, you only see a part of yourself — the part you dislike so much.

But that's not a true reflection of reality. Once you can acknowledge that you aren't the best arbiter of your worthiness, you can begin to heal and change your self-loathing personality into a self-loving personality.

It’s time you took a hard look at your thoughts and the resulting behaviors so you can begin to make improvements.

Let’s start with a clear definition of self-loathing.

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25 Of The Best Hobbies For INTJ Personality Type

man writing and looking out window best intj hobbies

What are the best hobbies for INTJ personality types?

These are thinking types, but that doesn’t limit their hobbies to puzzles, coding, and research.

INTJ hobbies and interests are as likely to be varied as anyone else’s, as you’ll see in the list below.

It’s time to let go of the stereotype that dismisses INTJs as the “coldest humans.”

Plenty of warmth is there for those willing to see it. 

It might hide behind layers of cool reserve, but it’s there. 

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I Like Being Alone: 17 Reasons You Like Your Own Company Best

woman at window drinking coffee I like being alone

Is it healthy to enjoy being alone? 

No matter how many friends you've made or how well you get along with family, you're just one of those people who prefer to be alone. 

And you feel perfectly healthy.

You're content.

But were you always this way?

And if not, what reasons for your solitary nature come to mind?

We found 17 reasons you like being alone that are worth considering. 

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Is Your Guy An Alpha Male? 15 Ways An Alpha Male Acts In A Relationship

Alpha Males in Relationships

When you hear the term “alpha male,” you probably think of a womanizing bad boy, a ruthless jerk, or a smooth-talking player.

You might picture someone egotistical or misogynistic.

But while there is some underlying truth to these alpha male characteristics, such overgeneralizations give alpha males a lousy reputation.

There’s a lot more to this complex man.

The alpha male personality is unique, and those who fall into that category can be difficult to figure out.

But that’s true of any personality type.

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INTP Vs. ISTP Personality Types: What Are The Differences?

intp vs istp personality type

People with INTP and ISTP personality types tend to share many traits and behaviors.

INTPs and ISTPs are often logical, analytical, and focused.

These individuals have the drive to excel, but they go about their pursuits in different ways.

ISTPs are typically confident in their choices while INTPs may second-guess every decision.

This leads to different life paths for the average INTP or ISTP.

Here is a closer look at some of the other differences between these personalities.

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20 Personality Development Tips That Make You More Attractive

woman laughing on sofa personality development tips

I always thought that people's personalities were something they were born with.

A bit of nature and a bit of nurture and, well, there you have it.

I didn't actually consider the fact that people could change their personality later in life and develop it in certain ways that could eventually come naturally.

But, with the amount of competition we are living with these days to get the best job, the best spouse, and be friends with the best people, I did some research and learned that you actually can develop your personality past childhood.

While everyone has their own qualities and traits that make them unique, people still strive to improve themselves.

Do you even know what personality is exactly and how it can develop and change over time?

The word “personality” is a broad term that describes the physical and mental state of a person.

But in certain situations, you have to learn how to bring out the most attractive traits so you can put your best foot forward and grow as a person.

No matter how old you are, there is always room for improvement.

Developing your personality in a positive way can make you more attractive in your professional and social life.

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15 Must-Know Signs Of A Controlling Woman

angry couple, signs of a controlling woman

Being in a controlling relationship is something most people try to avoid. 

Most folks value their independence and don’t want to be micromanaged by their partners — or anyone else.

So, if you or your partner starts acting like a controlling girlfriend, chances are, the relationship is heading nowhere good. 

What are the signs you’re becoming a controlling woman, though?

Or what are the signs you’re in a relationship with one?

And what can you do about it?

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