17 Ways to Know When Enough is Enough in a Troubled Relationship

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You love them, but how do you know when enough is enough?

Even in the best relationships, there comes a point when the pain of staying outweighs the pain of leaving. How can you tell if you’ve reached that point?

Recognizing the signs is crucial—there are clear red flags that indicate it's time to walk away. Here's how to know when you've given all you can and need to move on.

1. You're Constantly Walking on Eggshells

couple outside talking when enough is enough

Living in fear of setting your partner off has become an everyday reality. You censor what you say and do, but it's never enough. The slightest thing provokes an angry outburst or contemptuous reaction. You feel like you have to tiptoe around just to avoid confrontation. 

Constantly being on eggshells is draining and emotionally damaging. You deserve to feel safe and relaxed in your relationship, not anxious about inadvertently triggering your partner's rage. 

2. They Refuse Couples Counseling

couple in bedroom talking when enough is enough

You've brought up going to counseling together multiple times, but your partner always rejects the idea. They insist the problems in your relationship are your fault alone. When you try to have a productive discussion about issues, they shut down.

Refusing counseling is a major red flag. It likely means they are unwilling to acknowledge their role in relationship problems or make positive changes. If your partner refuses to invest in improving your dynamic, it will never get better.

3. Your Needs and Wants are Ignored

woman sitting alone looking out window when enough is enough
Shot of a young woman looking pensively out a window at home

Your partner doesn't seem interested in what you desire or makes you happy. Your requests always take a backseat to their preferences and convenience. It's become clear they prioritize themselves and expect you to just go along. 

A relationship can't thrive long-term if it's completely one-sided. Both people's wants and well-being need to be valued and considered. If your partner chronically disregards your needs, it's time to find someone who will.

4. The Relationship Lacks Intimacy 

There's no emotional or physical intimacy anymore. Conversations stay superficial. Attempts to be affectionate or initiate sex are rejected. Your partner shows little interest in bonding or sharing themselves with you.

Intimacy is the heart of a romantic relationship. If that closeness and vulnerability is lost, you're essentially just roommates. Don't settle for a passionless union that leaves you unfulfilled. 

5. Your Friends/Family Don't Like Your Partner

Daughter with angry parents, dysfunctional family

The people closest to you have made it clear they don't approve of your relationship. Maybe your partner mistreats or ignores them. Perhaps they notice your partner's toxic behaviors that you try to downplay. 

Pay attention if the consensus among loved ones is that your partner is bad news. They see red flags you may be blind to. If your inner circle senses you're unhappy, believe them.

6. You Have No Shared Vision for the Future

When you try to discuss future plans and goals as a couple, you realize you're completely misaligned. Your partner shows no interest in what you want longer-term. Your visions for major life milestones don't match up at all.

Partners should be excited about building a future together. If your priorities and dreams for tomorrow differ drastically, it likely means you're ultimately incompatible. 

7. They Gaslight and Manipulate You 

Your partner denies or twists things you know happened, making you second-guess your own reality. When confronted with their bad behavior, they somehow turn it around on you. They use guilt trips and other manipulation tactics to control you.

Gaslighting and other forms of emotional abuse inflict deep wounds. The longer you stay, the more damage is done to your self-worth. You deserve to be with someone who would never dream of manipulating your emotions and perceptions.

8. They're Unfaithful 

They’ve cheated on you, whether you discovered the affair or your partner admitted it themselves. Even if they claim it didn't mean anything or won't happen again, the trust between you is shattered.

For some, cheating means an automatic end to the relationship. Others may try to work through it, but rebuilding broken trust is challenging. Unless your partner is fully committed to regaining your faith, walk away

9. All You Do is Fight

Every time you interact with your partner lately, it turns into a fight. Even minor things provoke heated, draining arguments. The constant clash and turmoil have become unbearable. 

Friction is normal, but relationships can't thrive long-term in a climate of perpetual conflict. If communication has degraded to the point that you can't have a calm discussion, it's better to part ways.

10. You Don't Respect Each Other

Contempt has crept into your relationship. You use harsh, cynical language and are hypercritical of each other. Small flaws feel like major shortcomings. The way you speak to and about each other is filled with disdain. 

Mutual care and respect between partners is essential. Without it, bonding disappears, and resentment grows. If you've lost basic human decency and admiration for each other, it's virtually impossible to get back.

11. You're Just Staying for the Kids

You have children together and don't want to disrupt their lives. But the truth is, you'd leave if it weren't for the kids. Using them as an excuse to stay in an unhappy relationship is misguided.

Don't convince yourself it's virtuous to sacrifice your well-being for the children. Kids are perceptive – they'll pick up on your misery. Show them healthy relationships are possible by choosing your own happiness.

12. The Love is Gone

You don't feel loving warmth toward your partner anymore – just indifference, irritation, or animosity. The emotional connection that bound you together has deteriorated. When you imagine life without them, you feel relief rather than sadness. 

If the love and affection that originally drew you to your partner no longer exists, staying serves no purpose. Don't cling to the memory of what you once had. Move on and rediscover those feelings with someone new.

13. Your Partner Refuses to Accept Responsibility  

Your partner never admits fault or takes accountability for their actions. They blame you or others when issues arise, refusing to acknowledge their own role. They act like the victim even when their behavior caused problems.

A relationship can't progress if one person is unwilling to own up to mistakes. Without accepting responsibility, toxic patterns will persist. Don't make excuses for a partner who always shirks blame.

14. They Try to Isolate You From Loved Ones

Your partner guilt trips you for spending time with friends and family. They make jealous accusations. Over time, they've successfully separated you from key support systems in your life. 

Isolating partners from loved ones is a warning sign of abuse. Don't abandon the people who truly care for you just to appease someone controlling. Surround yourself with those who want the best for you.

15. Your Partner Doesn't Support Your Goals

When you share personal goals and dreams, your partner doesn't offer encouragement. Rather than being your cheerleader, they make dismissive or critical comments. Your aspirations mean little to them.

A supportive partner believes in you and champions your growth. If yours tries to diminish rather than lift you up, don't stick around. Find someone who shares your drive and wants you to shine.

16. The Trust is Completely Broken

Too many lies, betrayals, and hurtful actions have destroyed trust between you. You constantly feel suspicious and insecure about their faithfulness and motives. Deep down, you know the relationship can't survive without mutual trust.

Trust takes a long time to build but can be demolished in an instant. If efforts to restore it have failed, continuing the relationship will only breed more pain. Move on and find someone genuine you can place your trust in again.

17. You're Just Not Happy

At the end of the day, you're simply unhappy more often than not when you're with this person. You cry more than you laugh. You feel lonely and hopeless about your future together. The relationship feels like an emotional drain rather than a source of comfort.

Don't resign yourself to misery for the sake of being with someone. You deserve joy and fulfillment. If those seem impossible with your current partner, you owe it to yourself to make a change – even if it's hard.

If you see your relationship in some of these signs, find the courage to make a change. Choosing to walk away from someone you love is agonizing. But staying trapped in an unhealthy relationship will only deepen your heartache. You deserve so much more than empty love alone can provide. The first step is believing you have the strength to take it.