What Is A Demisexual? 5 Signs You May Be One

What is a demisexual?

I’ll never forget a conversation I had with a demisexual friend years ago.

At the time, I didn’t know she was demisexual. I didn’t even know what a demisexual was.

But I did know that, unlike most of my other friends, she didn’t display obvious sexual attraction towards anyone of any gender.

Until she met John, that is.

I remember she wouldn’t stop talking about John.

She would go on and on about his amazing qualities — how smart and kind he was and how he looked so much like a Hollywood star. As she gushed, “He’s almost too perfect to be true.”

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8 Ways To Cope In Emotionally Abusive Relationships

Abusive Relationships

You can't believe you're in this situation.

How did it happen?

Everything was so great in the beginning. You were so in love. You were such a great couple together.

But then things started to change.

The cruel comments. The controlling behaviors. The subtle threats.

The one person in the world who is supposed to love you the most, who's supposed to have your back and be your closest confidant, is emotionally abusing you.

At first, you didn't know what was happening. Maybe you thought it was your fault. You hoped it was just an off week, or month, or year.

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8 Signs of Narcissistic Abuse

Narcissistic Abuse

From the outside, narcissistic people look “normal.”

They're often charming, outgoing and idolized by others simply because they appear so perfect.

But to you, they're anything but perfect.

You're never at ease around the narcissistic person, and you can't pinpoint exactly why. You can't reconcile the “perfect” image most people have of the narcissistic person with your experiences behind closed doors.

Worst of all, you feel like there's no one you can talk to about your problem with this person. How can you think such things about a person who's so admired by others?

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36 Ways To Be Irresistibly Attractive

“The secret of attraction is to love yourself. Attractive people judge neither themselves nor others. They are open to gestures of love. They think about love, and express their love in every action.” ~Deepak Chopra

Here's the bottom line: we want people to like us. Even when we say we don't care what people think, we really do.

We desire to be loved, respected, and viewed in a positive light. Our human interactions are vital to our sense of well-being, self-esteem, and happiness. When we discover that someone doesn't like us or rejects us in some way, our emotions can run the gamut from defensive indignation to deep pain and profound sadness.

For any of us who have attempted to be likable and attractive to everyone, you eventually realize the futility of this exhausting endeavor.

It is impossible to “make” everyone like you, and even if you could, you will ultimately lose your self in the process. When you morph into a people pleaser or an actor playing roles to accommodate those you want to impress, you often alienate the very people you hope to charm.

Only when we see ourselves as lovable and embrace our own authentic qualities, needs, ideas, values, and personality traits, do we release the pheromones of being attractive to others. Although not everyone will be intrigued by your authenticity, those who are attracted to you will generally be emotionally intelligent, mature individuals who value genuine and unaffected relationships.

Self-love, self-confidence, and authenticity are the foundational elements of attractiveness. To strengthen this foundation and foster the transition from “trying to impress” to naturally attracting wonderful people into your life, there are some specific changes and shifts you can adopt.

Learn how to be attractive by taking these 36 actions:

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110 Of The Best Self-Improvement Books You’ll Ever Read

Best Self-Improvement Books

If you're a self-improvement junkie like I am, you're always looking for something inspiring and motivational to read.

Over the years, I've read hundreds of the best self-help books and have written a dozen or so myself.

Some of the most profound “aha” insights in my life have come as a result of what I've learned from these amazing self-growth books.

I firmly believe you should never stop learning and growing as a person. In fact, I like to challenge my own beliefs and assumptions and read the ideas and perspectives of others in order to stretch myself.

One thing I've learned as a personal coach is how every element of our lives impacts the rest of our lives. You can't change one area without it impacting everything else.

That's why it's important to grow and learn in all areas of your life — from your relationships to emotional well-being.

With that in mind, I've shared some of the best self-improvement books in a variety of self-development categories that are important to our overall happiness, peace of mind, and balance.

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6 Simple Ways To Become An Optimistic Person + An Attitude Quiz

Optimistic Person

Have you ever been so worried about something that just being around an upbeat person really pissed you off?

How can they be so positive when things are going so crappy for you? What do they have to be so happy about?

It does appear that some people are born optimists. The world can be falling down around them, but they still have a smile on their face and a spring in their step.

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The Ultimate List Of 97 Manners

List of Manners

When I was in my twenties, I moved from Atlanta to New York City for my career.

Every day, I'd take the bus from my brownstone on the Upper West Side to my office in midtown Manhattan. Every day, the bus was jam-packed with people, and you were lucky if you were able to snag a seat.

Most of the time, I held on to a pole or the back of a seat, swinging around like a monkey (wearing high heels) every time the bus lurched to a stop. On one lucky day, I did get a seat near the front of the bus.

Within a few minutes, the bus stopped again, the doors opened, and a hugely pregnant woman climbed on. The bus was packed as usual, and there were no available seats. I looked around at the dozen or so men seated nearby, and I swear to you, not one of them got up and offered their seat. Ultimately I offered mine.

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