How To Break Bad Habits By Forming Good Ones

Break bad habits

Bad habits creep up on us.

One day we smoke that first cigarette, eat that first bag of Cheetos, or discover how easy it is to charge things on a credit card.

Before you know it, that one decision has mushroomed into big, bad habit. We become physically or mentally addicted to substances, food, spending, nail biting, and any number of actions that don't reflect our best selves.

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How To Apologize Sincerely

How to apologize

Sincerely apologizing is an advanced emotional skill.

It requires doing something most of us find extremely difficult — getting past the ego self.

The thought process leading to an apology is complex and involves pushing past many internal barriers. We must honestly examine ourselves, our behavior or words, the motivation behind the behavior or words, and the feelings of those we've injured or offended.

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Do People Accuse You Of Being Highly Sensitive?

being too sensitive

“Beauty of whatever kind, in its supreme development, invariably excites the sensitive soul to tears.” ~Edgar Allen Poe

As long as I can remember, my hyper-sensitivity has been a running theme in my life.

When I was a child, I could easily pick up on the subtle undercurrents going on in my house. When the mood shifted from normal to tense, I was quick to notice it and quick to try to set things right. My mom called me “the little peacemaker.”

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22 Steps On The Path To Spiritual Bliss

The word “bliss” is such a soothing word.

It feels both soothing and joyful, like a soak in a warm tub.

I think it's an onomatopoeia — the sound of the word echos its meaning.

The dictionary defines it as “supreme happiness; utter joy and contentment.” There is also a spiritual meaning to the word. To reach spiritual bliss would be dwelling in paradise or attaining nirvana — a place free from pain, worry, and suffering.

Is it possible to attain spiritual bliss right now?

Can you live a life of supreme contentment, free from suffering?

Perhaps it's not possible to experience that in every moment of every day. But I think it is quite possible to configure your life in such a way that you can be on the path to spiritual bliss.

And while you are on the path, you can encounter ever-expanding pools of bliss as you learn what constitutes a life of joy and contentment, free from worry and suffering.

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