Feel Like You Can’t Do Anything Right? 11 Ways To Turn It Around

unhappy woman, why can't I do anything right

When you feel like you can’t do anything right, the whole day feels like a bust. It can be hard to get back on your feet when persistent negative thoughts are getting in your way.

Think about the last time you felt this way. After some time, did your lack of energy subside? Remember that depressive feelings don’t last forever, as emotions act like a tide coming in and out.

Luckily, there is always something you can do to get back in action. We've created a list of 11 positive practices to turn things around. 

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67 Top Hobbies For Women That Are Fun And Healthy

woman with camera, hobbies for women

Are you searching for some hobbies for women that you can enjoy?

If so, you're doing your mental and physical health a big favor.

We spend an average of about 23 hours a week on email, texting, and social media.

That's a full day on your digital devices doing things that are often mindless or mind-numbing — not to mention the sedentary nature of using these devices.

Having some great hobbies can lead you toward developing a new skill, inspiring you to have a new passion, or simply just having fun.

We've curated a great list of hobbies for women that we think you'll really enjoy.

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11 Reasons Your Ex Seemed to Forget You Instantly and Moved On

woman sitting on sofa talking to man My Ex Moved on Like I Was Nothing

Have you ever wondered how someone who once loved you more than anything could suddenly act like you never existed? 

It can be deeply confusing and painful when a former partner seems to move on rapidly after a breakup. 

One day they were telling you they love you, and the next, they act like you never mattered. 

It may leave you wondering if your relationship, and all the memories you shared, meant nothing to them in the end. 

When an ex appears able to instantly recover and embrace a new life without you, it can make you feel invisible and worthless. 

With time and perspective, you can gain insight into why some exes try to fast-forward through heartache while thoughtfully processing the loss is key to true healing.

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7 Tactics For Dealing With Annoying Coworkers Who Talk Too Much

two men working together annoying coworkers who talk too much

According to a CareerBuilder survey, of the top 10 productivity killers in the workplace, 7 of them involve too much socializing.

If you have coworkers who talk too much, this probably doesn’t surprise you.

You’re here, now, because you want to know how to deal with people who talk too much — or how to tell someone they talk too much in a nice way.

After all, you still have to work with them.

So, why not make it easier?

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The 13 Best Ways To Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself

sad woman, how to stop feeling sorry for yourself

When going through a tough time, you may find yourself on a downward spiral, looking for comfort with self-pity.

Whether you’ve been wronged by someone else or certain choices have taken you down a bad path, it’s in our nature to fixate on blaming or feeling sorry for yourself.

This pattern might feel inescapable.

Similar to a monkey swinging through a forest, grasping vine after vine, humans have a tendency to grab onto one self-pitying thought and swing to the next.

It’s not until we are deep into the dark jungle, feeling too scared to jump down, that we start looking for a way out.

To help take those steps back home, we have found 13 ways to overcome self-pity. 

How do I get rid of self-pity? 

What does it mean when you feel sorry for yourself and how can you stop?

When we go through a spiral, it isn’t always as easy as taking a deep breath.

That can certainly help, but many of the causes are more deeply rooted in issues of self-esteem and often anxiety.

Self-pitying can feel good a first, like hiding under the covers.

We build this mechanism for ourselves as children and often maintain it through adulthood to protect the wounded kid that we still carry with us.

We are all capable of finding better coping mechanisms for pain and loss.

This means acknowledging and thanking the protective part of yourself while asking it to step aside so that you can take action to feel better. Here are a few first steps:

  • Open up to a friend. We’ve all gone through moments of self-pity, and your friends can be there to help. They might know you better than you know yourself. 
  • Seek counseling from a therapist if you aren’t able to stop the cycle on your own. While therapy is expensive without insurance, many local mutual aid groups can offer assistance for affordable mental health care. 
  • Stop being mad at yourself for self-pitying. It's a totally normal feeling, and it won’t last forever. Beating yourself up for feeling bad about yourself is a part of the cycle.

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Is Your Twin Flame Trying To Communicate With You? Look For These 17 Signs

Signs Your Twin Flame Is Communicating with You 

Also known as a “mirror soul,” twin flames are two people who share the same quintessence. 

There are two primary types of twin flames: splitters and reflectors.

The former is when a pair of individuals split a soul.

The latter is when two people’s souls mirror each other exactly.

Not everyone has a twin flame in a given lifetime, but those that do may experience strong sensations when their twin soul tries to communicate.

To that end, let’s explore twin flame signs and symptoms.

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96 Spot-On Quotes About Setting Boundaries With People Who Push Your Limits

frustrated and upset woman setting boundaries quotes

Are you a people pleaser — someone who tends to put other peoples’ needs before their own?

If yes, you may need to set some personal boundaries and start taking as good care of yourself as you do others.

Doing so will shield you from unwarranted toxic behavior and reckless invalidation.

To help you get in the right frame of mind, we’ve curated a list of quotes about boundaries and hope they help you explore boundary setting for yourself.

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11 Of The Most Powerful Poems About Hope Ever Written

woman looking at ocean sunrise poems about hope

When you get pounded by life, with one wave of despair crashing into the next, it’s easy to feel hopeless

Maybe you’ve been holding on by your teeth and just don’t have the strength to go on.

But you do.

You do have the strength when you muster just the tiniest seed of inspiration and hope. 

The poetry of hope we’ve curated below just may be that seed, motivating you to find your footing and envision a better tomorrow

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