13 Painful Signs Of An Emotionally Manipulative Mother-In-Law

Emotionally Manipulative Mother-In-Law

If you have a toxic mother-in-law, you’ve probably noticed some telltale signs.

When you’re around her, you feel worse about yourself.

She refuses to see things from your perspective.

You’re always in the wrong — and she’s always the victim. 

If you find yourself thinking, “My mother-in-law manipulates my husband and kids,” it’s not really about you.

She has to get her way, whatever it takes. 

So, what are the signs she’s emotionally manipulative?

And what can you do about it?

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8 Signs of Narcissistic Abuse

Narcissistic Abuse

From the outside, narcissistic people look “normal.”

They're often charming, outgoing and idolized by others simply because they appear so perfect.

But to you, they're anything but perfect.

You're never at ease around the narcissistic person, and you can't pinpoint exactly why. You can't reconcile the “perfect” image most people have of the narcissistic person with your experiences behind closed doors.

Worst of all, you feel like there's no one you can talk to about your problem with this person. How can you think such things about a person who's so admired by others?

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