99 Sweet And Flirty Notes To Put In Your Husband’s (Or Boyfriend’s) Lunch Box

flirty lunch box notes

Your hardworking guy deserves a delicious lunch break in the middle of the day to refuel and step away from the demands of the job.

But sometimes lunch can be as monotonous and uninspiring as work. 

Same old sandwich.

Same old chips.

Same old whatever it is he tends to eat every day.

Have you ever thought about shaking up your partner's lunchtime routine with something unexpected? 

Before sending your husband off with his lunch in hand, why not surprise him with one (or more) of these sweet and flirty notes?

With these sweet messages tucked into his lunch box, he’ll be all smiles when he opens it, no matter what kind of day (or sandwich) he’s having. 

Remind him that you’re always thinking of him with these fun little tokens of your love!

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Just Started A New Romance? 27 Essential Questions To Ask Each Other

couple hugs on sofa questions to ask in new relationship

A new relationship can be really exciting and a bit intimidating as you begin to learn about each other.

It’s a risk to put yourself out there and get to know someone else intimately. 

That intimidating feeling of being with a new person often leaves you wondering, “What do I say?” or “Where should we start?” 

Having some go-to questions and topics for a new relationship that prompt conversation can be a huge benefit and help you get to know each other on a much deeper level. 

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