13 Painful Signs Of An Emotionally Manipulative Mother-In-Law

Emotionally Manipulative Mother-In-Law

If you have a toxic mother-in-law, you’ve probably noticed some telltale signs.

When you’re around her, you feel worse about yourself.

She refuses to see things from your perspective.

You’re always in the wrong — and she’s always the victim. 

If you find yourself thinking, “My mother-in-law manipulates my husband and kids,” it’s not really about you.

She has to get her way, whatever it takes. 

So, what are the signs she’s emotionally manipulative?

And what can you do about it?

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How To Soul Search: 7 Actions To Discover Your Higher Self

how to do soul searching

You’ve probably heard some things about soul searching and getting in touch with your higher self.

But what does that even mean?

If you have a higher self, that must mean you have a lower self, too.

And it makes sense to get both parts of you working together as a team.

In order to do that, you have to know your whole self. And that means facing personal attributes you’d rather not think about.

Finding yourself generally starts at the bottom and often in the less socially acceptable parts of your personality. No one builds a house by starting on the roof.

There’s an order to these things for a reason.

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13 Not-To-Be Ignored Ways Actions Speak Louder Than Words In A Relationship

Struggling to communicate to your significant other how important they are to you? 

You know words aren’t enough.

You’ve met enough people who say one thing and act in a way that says the opposite.

Words are easy.

But you’re about to learn 13 ways in which actions speak louder than words in a relationship.

Ultimately, it’s your behavior that reveals who you are and what’s important to you. 

And that can work to your benefit. 

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125 Positive Affirmations For Kids To Help Them Grow Up Happy and Confident

Positive affirmations foster optimism and confidence.

In fact, research has proven that regularly practicing affirmations has many mental and physical benefits, including decreasing stress and rumination, boosting feelings of optimism, and strengthening resilience.

They can even help improve performance in sports, academics, and career endeavors.

What are positive affirmations?

Affirmations are positive statements or mantras that you repeat to yourself, either silently or out loud.

They are intended to help you reach a goal, change a mindset, improve self-esteem, boost your confidence, or improve your health.

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Still In Love With Your Ex? 13 Ways To Cut The Emotional Cord And Get Over It

You want to know how to get over your ex, so you can stop hurting and create a better life for yourself.

The problem?

You still love them. 

It’s one thing to accept they’re not coming back.

But getting over an ex you still love… it’s complicated.

You can’t help thinking of the good times.

And what you really want is to make more of those. 

So, where do you go from here?

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31 Undeniable Signs You’re In Love With Him

You think about him all the time.

And the more you get to know him, the more you miss him when he’s not there. 

Still, you’re asking yourself, “Do I really love him, or am I just lonely?” What are the signs you love him and are in love with him? 

Put aside for the moment whether he feels the same.

This post is about helping you get clear on what you want — and whether that involves him. 

So, how do you know one way or the other? 

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33 Of The Best Adult Coloring Books

crayons in jar adult coloring books

Creating something beautiful has a healing effect on your mind, heart, and soul — which is extra needful during stressful times. 

Thanks to adult coloring books, you don’t even need to be an artist to turn line drawings into colorful works of art. 

And since most high-quality coloring books for adults have single-sided pages, you can easily turn a finished project into an artful wall-hanging — if only to remind you to take time out for yourself.

To help with that, here are the 33 best adult coloring books for your enjoyment and stress relief. 

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